The IEEE Milestone Program
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is a professional association with over 423,000 members worldwide
IEEE Milestones honor significant technical and scientific achievements throughout the world
6 examples, with year(s) of achievement:
1895: Marconi’s Wireless Experiments (Italy)
1940-45: MIT Radiation Laboratory (MIT, USA)
1947: Transistor (Bell Labs, USA)
1968: CERN Electronic Particle Detection (France)
1979: CD Audio Player (The Netherlands)
1982: Nobeyama 45-meter Telescope (Japan)
A 30cm x 45cm bronze plaque with a descriptive citation is installed at an appropriate location
This event will dedicate the 213th IEEE Milestone, with plaques in IEEE Region 5 (Louisiana USA), Region 6 (Washington State USA) and Region 8 (Tuscany ITALY)
Here is an example of a Milestone plaque: